About me

Hi! I'm Ionatan, a postdoc at Princeton working with Tom Griffiths. I study how people make decisions and plan sequences of actions in complex environments by building computational models of human behavior.

Previously, I earned my Ph.D. in neuroscience at NYU with Wei Ji Ma and my B.A. in neuroscience, computer science, and mathematics at Macalester College. My undergraduate honors thesis was advised by Andrew Beveridge. In my free time, I'm usually traveling or hiking for landscape photography, hosting an anime podcast, or playing soccer, basketball, or tennis.

My dissertation outlined a framework for studying the cognitive mechanisms underlying complex planning by applying computational methods to human decisions in a combinatorial game where participants think multiple steps into the future.

Representative papers

Learning from rewards and social information in naturalistic strategic behavior
Ionatan Kuperwajs, Bas van Opheusden, Evan M. Russek, and Thomas L. Griffiths
PsyArXiv, 2024

Heuristics for meta-planning from a normative model of information search
Ionatan Kuperwajs, Mark K. Ho, and Wei Ji Ma
PsyArXiv, 2024

Using deep neural networks as a guide for modeling human planning
Ionatan Kuperwajs, Heiko H. Schütt, and Wei Ji Ma
Scientific Reports, 2023

Expertise increases planning depth in human gameplay
Bas van Opheusden, Ionatan Kuperwajs, Gianni Galbiati, Zahy Bnaya, Yunqi Li, and Wei Ji Ma
Nature, 2023